JEAR-Author Guidelines

Originality of Articles

Authors are required to follow these guidelines during submission to ensure that their submitted manuscripts are not returned without review. It is also a requirement that authors will agree to the Declaration before submission confirming that the following were strictly adhered to:

  • That the research work submitted to this journal has not been submitted elsewhere for publication or is not being considered for publication or has not been published elsewhere in any form.
  • That the research work is original work of the authors and that any part of the work lifted from other works were properly and adequately acknowledged.
  • All persons included as authors to the paper must have their emails and full addresses included at the relevant section of the paper. A confirmation of submission email will be sent to each author. Where any particular author claims he or she is not aware of the submission including his or her name, such submission will be rejected.
  • The editors can request for the data used for the estimation and analysis of any paper.  The authors are obligated to make such data available without hesitation. This is to ensure the replicability and reliability of any paper published by this journal.


Structure of the Manuscript

Submitted manuscripts must be 1.5 line spacing, font size 12, Times New Roman (with normal margin). All papers must be submitted in the following document formats: .doc, .docx, .rtf. Research papers should not be longer than 15 pages (including abstract, references, tables, figures but excluding title page). Authors whose articles exceed the required number of pages will be required to revise their papers before review or pay extra charges.

The title page should contain very informative and short title not more than two lines using Times New Roman and bold font size 12 (CAPITAL LETTERS AND BOLD). List of the contributing authors with their names (first names and surnames to be provided in full) and full addresses of institutions including emails and phone numbers. The name of the corresponding author should be indicated with asterisk as a standard practice even though the online submission has provision to indicate the corresponding author and the full correspondence address.

Before online submission, authors are advised to submit the following items:

  • The main text which should contain the following sections (written with CAPITAL LETTERS AND BOLD)  (1) INTRODUCTION- including the research problem and research objectives (2) LITERATURE REVIEW -the literature should be thematised and discussed and not blow by blow (3) METHODOLOGY (including the theoretical framework) and Data (4) RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS ON FINDINGS (5) CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS (6) REFERENCES (7) Appendix of Results Tables and Figures.
  • Supplementary material not for review: This will contain the title of the article, authors’ names, institutional addresses, emails and phone numbers.
  • Abstract: the abstract should not be more than 250 words. Up to 8 key words can be provided and authors should avoid using phrases as key words in their works. Also up to 2 Subject area codes for the article should be provided by the authors.
  • Articles can be submitted online or as attachment to the journal


Referencing format

  • References should be listed at the end of the paper in alphabetical order as standard practice.
  • All published citations inside the work must be included in the list of references. Please note that incomplete references will unnecessarily delay process of your submitted paper.
  • APA 6thedition is the referencing format adopted by this journal and authors should use the appropriate styles for referencing journal articles, books, conference proceedings, reports, etc.