Print ISSN: 2536-7447
E-ISSN: 3043-6591
Data sharing and reproducibility
JEAR aims to publish only those scholarly results which are reliable and obtained by the authors using the proven techniques and models. The author is obliged to test the models and methods for obtaining results as many as necessary to be sure of the error inability and data reliability. Data deception or using unverified information by the authors is unethical and unacceptable.
The author should be ready for providing information and explanations as to how and using which detailed and meticulous accounts of methodologies and analytical procedures, methods and techniques the results were obtained, which are presented in the article submitted, as well as for providing access to primary data (according to Databases, data sets, and data accessibility – views and practices of scholarly publishers). Additionally, authors should be willing to make this data available to the public, if feasible, or retain it for a reasonable period of time following publication. It is the author's responsibility to ensure that their data can be reproduced, thus allowing other researchers to verify and build upon their findings.
Print ISSN: 2536-7447
E-ISSN: 3043-6591
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