Culture, Diversity, Cultural Diversity, Pillar, Development, Sustainable, Sustainable DevelopmentAbstract
Systematically, integrating cultural specificities in the conception, measurements and practice of development is imperative as it ensures the involvement of the local population and a desirable outcome of development efforts. In the transition to green societies, dialogue and tolerance will be key for mutual understanding and the building of bridges among nations and countries, leading to a culture of peace, which is a prerequisite for sustainable development. In that context, we must make the most of the world’s cultural diversity, as it fosters development and social cohesion. Culture is more than the arts and literature. In its widest sense, culture embraces everything from your choice of what to wear each day to the traditions, beliefs, and values of your family and community. Of course, this includes all forms of artistic expressions and creativity. It is also the language one speaks, place of worship, the things that move one emotionally, and the sources of meaning in one’s life. Cultural diversity plays an important role in sustainable development, because it fosters economic growth, helps individuals and communities to expand the life choices, therefore, it is important to adapt to change and raising the resilience of social-ecological systems. It creates a rich and varied world, which increases the range of choices and nurtures human capacities and values, and therefore, it is a mainspring for sustainable development for communities, people and nations. Cultural diversity and cultural participation strengthen democracy, tolerance and social cohesion. It is an investment in the future as well as a driving force of sustainable development, since enhancing people’s choices and responsibilities is key to human development.