Economic development, Macromarketing, Marketing thought, Society, TourismAbstract
Macromarketing thought provides the philosophy and principles for macroeconomic impact on the society. Macromarketing as a social process involves the impact of marketing systems on the society and society on marketing systems. The impact of tourism on economic development has been extensively discussed in extant literature from different perspectives and disciplines including marketing. However, the import of macromarketing and its approach to understanding the social process relating to tourism has received less attention by previous studies in Nigeria. Consequently, this study employed exploratory research design using desk research to examine the issues relating to macromarketing thought and tourism development from publications in the journal of macromarketing between 2005-2015. This is to examine the arising issues from the journal’s publications and to infer strategies that can impact tourism development in Nigeria. 29 articles were identified through judgmental sampling to be related to tourism development out of a total of 522 articles classified in 10 categories of tourism activities. Frequency distribution and charts were employed to depict the trend of themes relating to tourism development in the journal for the period under review. The analysis indicates a significant consideration for tourism issues especially in the areas of sustainability, tourism destination and economic development. The consideration for these three special areas suggests their synergistic effect on the economy for strategic economic development purposes. The study therefore recommends that this parallel relationship be harnessed for the benefit of tourism development in Nigeria.