Population Growth, Economic Development, Poverty, inequality, CorruptionAbstract
The study examined rapid population growth and economic development issues in Nigeria. This is on the premise that Nigeria has a rapidly growing population forecasted to be about 400 million in 2050, with a very high proportion of youths. The country has struggled against demographic tide since independence, and there are widening gaps in poverty, unemployment, and inequality which are factors elevating the country’s under-development. The study adopted an ex-post facto research design and, obtained secondary data from the publications of the Central Bank of Nigeria, the National Bureau of Statistics, and the World Bank. Descriptive and Analytical statistics tools wereused to analyze the data. The findings of the study revealed thatpopulation, remittances, gross domestic product, and unemployment negatively and significantly affect the Human Development Index in Nigeria, while foreign direct investment and effective governance exerteda positive and significant effect. So, the study makes the following recommendations; Nigeria must control its rapidly growing population by formulating and implementing population and economic policies that are supportive of all-inclusive economic growth. The high rate of youth employment should be checked by developing skills set through quality education, improved health care, and vocational training for the youths.